
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Learn English by poem - I had a Little Pony

I had a little pony,

His name was Dapple-grey,

I lent him to a lady,

To ride a mile away.

She whipped him, she lashed him,

She drove him through the mire.

I wouldn’t lend my pony now,

For all the lady’s hire.

New words

donkey, wallop, lady, whipped, lent, lashed, mire, hire

Reading is fun

1. Another word for wallop is ______________. Would the child hit the donkey?

2. What would the child give the donkey?

3. What is a pony?

4. What did the lady do to the pony?

(a) She took care of the pony.

(b) She whipped and lashed him.

(c) She sold the pony.

5. What did the child decide to do?

(a) To lend the pony again to the lady.

(b) To never lend the pony to the lady again.

(c) To give the pony to the lady.

Let’s talk

1. Have you seen people beating animals? What do you think of such people?

2. Do you ever tease animals? Do you think that you should be kind to them?

3. Tell your friends about some unusual pets that you have seen.

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